Artist, adventurer, lover of life.
Lolo's love affair with art began as soon as she could pick up a pencil. Winning numerous awards and recognition in shows as a young girl, she was enthusiastically moving through the art world.
However, her adventuring and wild spirit took her off-course and created a rather convoluted path. Leaving high school at 16, she headed to Key West to "see what there was to see". There she worked odd jobs, selling her work in street fairs, and eventually creating commissioned works for hotels and restaurants. Just as things started to settle down, a hurricane hit and blew her to Pittsburgh.
Here she attended The Art Institute of Pittsburgh for Graphic Design. While a wonderful way to enjoy a creative career, graphic design relied heavily on computers. After a few
years of sculpting, illustrating, and painting, it became apparent that she would need to focus more on computer design to stay in business.
Add in 10+ years designing, a move to Los Angeles, a business degree from USC, owning and operating a creative agency, marriage and kids, and it's easy to see how painting & drawing have taken a back seat for the past few years.
Now she's back and ready to work.